Explained: Beware of David Marchant’s Chilling Blackmail

Mia Wong

We have heard journalists and media houses recently come to public light on claims of pursuing personal gains, such as the American Media Inc. We have heard about journalists and media houses accepting cash for coverage. We have also heard of journalists swearing to uphold the ethical journalism codes but abusing them in the end. And we have heard about journalists who took advantage of their position to do bad things, thanks to the presumptive sense of media freedom in the US. And now we have David Marchant and his OffshoreAlert website, who falls in all these sleazy categories, forthrightly and brazenly.

David Marchant uses the freedom of the press in the United States to keep everyone terrified with shady threats of investigation. Talk of his unwillingness and denial to apologize even when he loses a defamation suit, to his fraudulent means of getting information, David Marchant is not like many other journalists we know about in the United States. He has hidden agendas in his investigation claims which many of us want to know about.

Despicable David Marchant is a blackmailer

Talking about how he treats his victims in an interview with the Index Interview outlet, Mr. Marchant says that his company has “never published a correction or apology to any plaintiffs and never paid.” That is the number score one for any blackmailer. After making such dangerous allegations and defaming people’s lives, David Marchant does not want to make an apology or pull down the ugly stories made against innocent individuals. That way, he can withhold his name and that of his channel in exchange for other people’s reputations.

What’s troubling about this is the deal he intends to pull out of those stories. He knows that reputation is a vital component of any business’s success. Therefore, keeping those ugly narratives and lacking an apology will destroy their reputation.

There is nothing wrong with investigating someone or something on a fraud basis. But everyone wants a society where new reports are fact-based. If a media outlet has published a news headline, there is no doubt it will reach an immense multitude. And more so if the story is based on false fraud or made to slam someone on something noteworthy of the audience’s interest. They all get a negative view of those named in the allegations.

Now, let’s face it, if that posting is legitimate, as David Marchant would claim at some point, there should be room to make corrections. You cannot assume everything is okay when you make a series of posts with serious allegations that have become a national or international conversation.

There is a good reason why David chooses to withhold his apology. He wants the victims to come begging because of fear for their reputation. The more his stories stay intact, the more he can pull more subscribers to his channel and get more money. That was the case of one victim of his reporting who noted that:

“…I had to try to find a solution through my legal managers, which contacted them to withdraw the accusations of his web, and they undertook to delete such criticism in exchange for money.”

I think it is reasonable now why OffshoreAlert would choose to withhold this story that has irreversible impacts on his life and identity. It will ensure that David Marchant has secured a deal to extract cash in exchange for the apology. Either way, he continued to mint more if it remains on his website, with more subscribers pulling in every day.

What is disturbing about all this is his pledge made during a BizNews interview:

“If you want to come after me, I’m not going to go down lightly, whether it’s physically or financially…… if crooks want to cause me problems, then I have a few surprises in store for them.”

I see no need for David Marchant to keep surprising his victims whenever they come calling for an apology. We can now relate very well to the surprises he gives them- which is blackmailing and coercing them to give money in exchange for their reputations.

I think David Marchant intends to blackmail, mainly because the media rights in the US are highly polarized to safeguard even those who are doing fraudulent business in the name of reporting. It’s easy to see the unfortunate behaviors in his stories, and it’s not surprising for David Marchant to defend them through implicit threats to the victims. And if one is not careful, they fall to his nets, such as what befell Garry Milosevich after writing to Marchant requesting an apology. He notes that:

“Greetings Skeleton Face: This is my last request for you to retract your previous false posting. I have previously emailed you evidentiary documentation stating the true facts concerning my case. You have refused to correct your posting based on a corrupt luciferin Corporate United States Federal Court system operating in Madison Wisconsin that you seem to be complicit with.”

If you are not careful enough, you may not realize David Marchant opts not to unmask the certain truths in his stories. Instead, he lashes at the media to post his customers’ requests to show his subscriber the thirst they have seeking forgiveness. He knows that such actions will spark a debate by depicting the victim guilty. That gives him room to bargain with the victims seeking to defend their reputation.

David Marchant brags about his achievements while failing to acknowledge that the pact results in blackmailing other people, earning him unverifiable information, which he publishes without facts. One customer, Mosad of Us, on March 05, 2020, discloses that:

“I was approached by David Marchant, the owner of Offshore Alert, at their last conference. He said he was willing to pay for information on company activity, trading, news etc., even if fake or defamatory. I asked why he wanted news of this nature; he said that any news would sell and bring revenue! True or fake. What about the victims? I asked, he said he does not care about them, “he can make money from their misery,” he said.”

That is a true reflection of David Marchant’s true character? Oh! he has incriminating dirty deals and is willing to use any means to get money from such information. Of course, David Marchant will undoubtedly use such information to make anyone successful in their business look guilty.

And in case you are wondering about how heartless David Marchant can be, yes, he means business and not just reporting or investigating claims. He is looking for an exciting story that can pull subscribers to his channel. And once it’s published, there is no turning back. Anyone incriminated in their account will have to pay for it, or they will be “finished.”

Check out! Other newspapers never pick David Marchant’s articles for publishing. For most credible newspapers, it is not just about picking news articles from any catalogue but ensuring the material is factual with its content. However, much of what OffshoreAlert focuses on is defamatory, and no one would like to be associated with it. Nevertheless, you will be shocked to see OffshoreAlert articles overriding others when searching for news material on Google.

We were puzzled about this scenario! But, well, here is what we figured out

After publishing a defamatory article on OffshoreAlert, David Marchant does not rest until his articles find a “large audience” online. To achieve this, he illegally and artificially fabricates multiple backlinks in auxiliary “guest” websites.

You may wonder how David Marchant does this

Yes, he generates multiple numbers of fake profiles on different “guest” websites, particularly those with high traffic regarding customer visits and also bearing a high Domain Rating (DR). Practically, these are forums that receive many users and post a considerable number of engagements daily. But we already know that the forums ask for our personal information when you register for the first time. They need you to create a whole new personal profile with private information, such as entering your email address, biological information, and even your website.

Are you surprised about where David Marchant gets all this information? The reality is that, instead of entering his personal information in the field required, he opts to use the links to the defamatory material he has published on the OffshoreAlert website. He also uses some parts of the cutout texts from the article itself in other areas.

However, many of these forums where Marchant generates his fake profiles do not promote anything or topics that are defamatory. In fact, many of them are only meant to discuss such topics as sports, video games, cooking, informatics, or even travel. But nothing at all is about financial crimes, except for David Marchant! Shocking, right? Moreover, the rules and regulations of these forums do not allow anyone to publish such defamatory information or even create a false profile.

So, how does David Marchant get away with all this without being noticed by the administrators? Easy: David Marchant is a master of forgery. The fake profiles he generated with fake usernames keep everything passive. That is to say, after generating such profiles and slotting his defamatory links, David Marchant is cautious not to let anything spill to the “public”. But he does not mind being discovered or losing his fake profiles; he still gets back there and starts registering others and inserting the same defamatory links.

As a bleeder with evil intent and total dishonesty, David Marchant has mastered creating several powerful backlinks to highly rated websites and high traffic forums and pointing them to his defamatory content. With that real mischief, he manages to hoodwink the administrators of these forums, breaching their code of conduct, and, chiefly, makes away with various traps set by Google or other Search Engines, which are also concerned with indexing passive or docile user profiles. Through this, Search Engines (primarily GOOGLE) get everything wrong as they review OffshoreAlert defamatory articles with relevance and slot them in the uppermost position of SERP (Search Engine Results Page).

So, what does this imply?

When Marchant gets someone to blackmail, he can do this full circle! He can start by publishing a highly defamatory article about a client. Then, David Marchant can use fake profiles and chiefly obtain powerful backlinks. He can then harm and defame his clients by graciously undermining their reputation on the online platforms after SERP makes them topmost.

At this point, it is possible to say that David Marchant’s articles are nothing, and extremely nothing, without these powerful covert backlinks. He certainly would not have a place on the Google search results.

Evil and criminal intentions inspire David Marchant’s online behaviours: to ensure paramount destruction of other people’s reputations, which is a playing ground for blackmailers looking to milk your money.

David Marchant’s Money Comes from Offshore Philanthropists

The issue of sponsors is another big thing that shows the level of hypocrisy depicted by David Marchant in his work. The perceptions of the sponsors highly influence both actions and reactions in a targeted media market today. He receives vast amounts from offshore companies for his conferences. So, how does David Marchant choose who to investigate if the same people he is supposed to investigate are sponsoring his events?

I don’t want to imagine that David Marchant will press charges against his lifetime sponsors one day. No, that will never happen. He is concerned about their corporate image and preserves them as pure. He then uses others as sacred cows to ensure his sponsorship remains intact and his news channel continues to get subscribers. It is for that reason that Nicholas Grant- St. James tells Marchant:

“I feel strongly that you should search your own soul because the only frauds being committed are by your publication (if you can call it that), by your vicious guesses and insinuations, by your sponsors and the fact that you are being paid so little to prostitute your editorial integrity.”

What’s disturbing about this is that those sponsors have competitors in the market. Without a doubt, and knowing the vital role of a company’s reputation, they use David Marchant to taint other people’s image and ensure their brands get the upper hand in the market.

As far as the promotion of private interest is concerned, there is accumulated evidence to show sponsors influence David Marchant’s reports to enhance their reputation. He does not care about the ethics of reporting. All that he sees is the amount he’s minting from those conferences. He does not spend a penny to prepare for such events. And while many would wonder how he manages to do this and manage to host such high-profile events, Okke Ornstein, one of David Marchant’s victims, tells us that David Marchant is:

“Being financed by one of our offshore competitors to attack other offshore businesses.”

David Marchant does not deny these allegations. Instead, he responds by trying to tell us about the vicious allegations he made against Okke Ornstein. However, there is no proof that he was involved in such crimes as Marchant wants us to believe. At the end of his comment, you would notice Marchant was happy after The Tulip Fund’s business collapsed.

As a reporter, how would you celebrate when businesses fail due to allegations you made against them? That can only happen with David Marchant. He does not care about facts as long as the deal has money. It is for that reason that Thomas Fields of US, on October 18, 2018, noted that the events organized by David Marchant:

“Featured a predominance of shady participants who were there to ultimately sell you something….The funny thing about Offshorealerts is that Marchant pretends to play “fraud police” and then divvies out paid slots for speakers at his conferences to solicit their own investments which seem to be quite shady.”

It is now evident that the conferences are sponsored by offshore individuals and companies with special interests. It is either they want to protect their names from being featured in the investigations David Marchant purports to conduct, or they want Marchant to dent the reputation of their competitors. It is hard for David Marchant to see these facts. Mainly because of his poor educational background, many of these sponsors were smarter while approaching him. If David Marchant were intelligent enough, he would have no time to look for funding from offshore companies while they form the basis of his investigation. By doing this, he would know the consequences, which involve covering for some in case they have a questionable behavior in their transactions. To confirm the inability of David Marchant to understand some of these complex nature of cases involving journalists, one of his clients tells us that:

“Mr. Marchant is not educated, is not a journalist, and has never kept a job for any meaningful amount of time.”

I think it would be better for someone to explain to David the nature of his work. He doesn’t seem to understand what he is doing. What he cares about is the money aspect involved in being a journalist. First, he does not verify his statements and does not care about facts. He also does not seem to understand the ethics of this job. He needs to show balance and fairness while dealing with victims of his reporting. I don’t think this aspect would be possible if he is in a sponsorship agreement with some offshore companies.

If David Marchant agrees to this question by Index Interview, that he “receives sponsorship from security companies like Kroll Advisory Solutions,” which is a global intelligence company catering for “crooks and corrupt, repressive governments alongside corporate clients,” by saying that:

“The global intelligence industry is like any other. Companies aren’t particularly choosy about who they will accept as clients. It’s all about making money.”

How are we made to believe he is after unraveling the truth about fraudsters in the financial sector? For him, everything is about money. All his investigations are based on hypocrisy and are always looking to earn publicity and money.


There is no room for such kind of journalism. It is now time for David Marchant to rethink his business in its entirety. There is no way he keeps blackmailing some people with unverifiable claims, while on the other hand, he seeks sponsorship with their competitors.

If he is a real journalist, he needs to uphold its ethics and know how the game is played in this field.

Therefore, David Marchant cannot be seen or perceived as a journalist in this country. He is, without doubt, a bona fide criminal!

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